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How to mirror screen to pc with internal audio

mirror screen to pc with internal audio

Mirror screen to pc with internal audio

Screen Mirroring is a software that can be downloaded for free from Google Playstore and Apple Store.

Screen Mirroring is a software that can be downloaded for free from Google Playstore, Apple Store or Microsoft store.

If you are one of those people who often use their mobile to watch YouTube videos or Netflix, this article is for you. Nowadays, there are lot of ways to mirror your mobile screen on PC.

One of the most popular apps for screen mirroring is Sndcpy which lets you mirror the mobile screen through Wi-Fi connection. Scrcpy is another app that allows you to share your Android screen on PC without any cables.

Screen Mirroring from Mobile to PC - With the rapid development in technology, it has become easy for people to connect to their PCs with just a few taps on their smartphones.

There are many different ways in which people can share their mobile screens onto PCs these days. The most popular method so far has been Sndcpy.

About Video: I made this video in the topic of screen mirror & audio mirror through usb to laptop or pc.
📌Without sound card you can mirror internal  audio of your mobile to laptop or pc.
📌By using this trick you can easily stream on YouTube or other platform.
📌I hope this video is helpful to all of you friends.

1. First Step

  1. First screen mirroring software named SCRCPY from Github website.
  2. Second sound mirroring software named SNDCPY from Github website.
  3. Third install VLC Media player in your C drive.
  4. For Full Guide watch Video Tutorial.

2. Second Step

  1. Connect your mobile phone to pc using USB cable.
  2. Go to your mobile phone settings & go on developer options allow usb debugging.
  3. open scrcpy application file & allow screen mirror request in your mobile.
  4. Then open sndcpy & copy sndcpy apk file to you mobile phone & install it.
  5. Open sndcpy with adb file & click on windows batch file.
  6. Allow sound mirror request in your mobile phone.
  7. For Full Guide watch Video Tutorial.

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