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Use Smartphone Camera As A Webcam

Use Your Smartphone Camera As A Webcam

How To Use Smartphone Camera As A Webcam

Many people have asked me, That which webcam should 
we purchase, and which is the best webcam in medium budget, My Laptop Camera is not good
but what if I tell you & Your work will happen
without spending money, So how would you feel?
So welcome back to the channel guys, In today's video
I will show how can you use your mobile phone as a webcam
Today almost everyone has a smartphone,
so we can use our smartphone as a webcam 
by an easy method, So let's start
first of all you have to install "Droidcam" application
in your mobile phone through the Play Store.
After installing open the app and allow the permission
that it asks for
after that search "Droidcam" on your PC's web browser
click on the first link, after opening the DEV47 app's page 
below there is a link named "windows client"
This application is only available for windows and linux.
This is not available for Mac
then you have to click here, the application will be
, It will be shown on the desktop.
Double click the icon, An interface will come as you can see,
It has three options 1.WiFi 2.USB 3.WiFi server
I only need WiFi and USB, you can also connect through WiFi but your
smartphone and PC both need to be connected to the same WiFi
We will be connecting through USB, So you have to select USB
here, Now go to phone settings and then about phone
In my One plus 8 I have to tap on build number 
multiple times, It's showing "no need you are already a developer.
because I have already enabled it. Now you can see developer options
have been added now which was not there before
You have to check online how you can enable developer
mode, In every smartphone process is different.
after opening developer options make sure that it's enabled
Scroll down and find "USB debugging" and turn it on.
now connect your mobile phone to your PC via USB,
After that click on USB symbol and then refresh the application.
Now this Pop up will arise on your phone, grant the permissions
and then refresh again and open "droidcam" on mobile phone
and then click start on your pc,
Now the smartphone is being used as a webcam
Minimize this window, Now I have opened Streamlabs OBS,
I'll show you how to set use this in Streamlabs.
Rest If you want this in zoom or any other application
just follow these settings and then change the webcam input
in that application.
I have created a new screen and I have to add the source,
Double click on video capture device,I am naming it XYZ
Now click on "add source", open the drop down menu
you will see Droidcam source 3 and Droidcam source 2
Both of them will work so adjust it according to your PC,
I am selecting source 2 for my PC.
Now I will click on add, As you can see now mobile's camera
is behaving as the webcam . You can place your phone anywhere.
It's an easy method also it will provide 60FPS,
If your mobile camera supports 60 FPS recording.
If you want to use any other application such as zoom,
then there will be an option of droidcam in the webcam selection tab.
The procedure is going to be the same.
You can save your money by this method,
Tell me if you are going to use the same.
For More Watch Full Video Tutorial 

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