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Amazing đŸ”¥ Apps to Customize Your Photo

Alright friends, it's time to make your phone look unique & what are the things to do to make it look different

Alright friends, its time to make your phone look unique & what are the things to do to make it look different?

Yes, there are some 3rd party apps that we research, test & bring to you guys,

if you want to make your phone stand out by changing its look & feel then I have some very amazing customization apps for you.

There are 5 such apps & youre going to absolutely love them!

As I said, we do a lot of research on these apps, test them all & then choose some of the top apps to show you guys.

Amazing đŸ”¥ Apps to Customize Your Photo

1) BuffyWalls - Its an Indian app as we have to push our Indian app developers & thats why we make such videos.
So that our Indian app developers get motivation & this app is developed by Indians.
Its a wallpaper app with 12MB in size & it brings some great features.
Wallpapers are very important to change your phone's look & feel.
Firstly, you get new HD wallpapers everyday that are categorised. You also get stock wallpapers.
The app supports dark mode & if you like a wallpaper then you can share that wallpapers link with your friends too!
So these wallpapers are shareable as well!

2) Themed Icons - Your home screens are different & their wallpapers are different too.
And it changes your icons colour according to your wallpaper. If its red & white then it automatically change the icons colour to match them.
The apps interface is very beautiful & its a 1.5MB light app thats Indian so do try Themed Icons.
It also has light & dark themes. Its just like Android 12s themed icon features.
So if you want to change our icons & want to make them beautiful then do check out Themed Icons!

3) Stylish - I really like this app & I use it too!
Its stylish because you can change/customize some very important things. Eg) Navigation Bar can be customized through Stylish!
Its an Israel based app & its only 15MB & not that heavy.
And not just the Navigation Bar but you can customize weather widgets as well.
According to your own styles & colour combinations. You can even change backgrounds & icons.
So overall, Stylish is a customization app you should have on your phone.
If the weather widget takes a lot of space & you like them as well, then you can install this app!

4) Overdrop - Its a 53MB app but I dont think theres a better looking weather widget app than Overdrop!
And it has 50 different weather widgets & it gives very detailed forecasts like threat alerts for storms.
It gives you a 7 day weather forecast as well. It also has a weather radar for maps.
And you can see realtime changes on the radar like rains after 2-3 days on the map for you to know the weather beforehand!
So overall for weather, the Overdrop app is right up there! Its really nice!
Theres another app thats unique & different!

5) Split Screen Launcher - Its just 3.6MB in size & comes from Portugal.
But what does it do? Its just like its name as it creates a single icon shortcut for any 2 apps you want.
And it open the 2 apps in split screen on single tap!
So at 1 time, you can use both apps with 1 touch! You dont have to open them separately for split screen.
It automatically do it. If youre big on productivity & use 2 apps on the same screen then this apps for you!
It's called Split Screen Launcher. Its not that big & is just 3.6MB.
Alright there were 5 apps but theres a BONUS app for you!

6) Raphael - Its 10MB in size & is made by an Indian developer. If you love icons, then youre going to love this app!
There are literally hundreds of handmade icons in it! And the icons are beautiful looking for sure!
And the colours used are Google Material colours that are categorised into vibrant, classy & vintage types.
You can get any type of icon you want using Raphael as there are many icons! So if you like icons, then look at Raphael!
It supports more than 30 popular launchers so you can use any known launcher with Raphael.

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