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how to Display CPU temperature, clock speed,etc. on the monitor while Gaming

One is MSI afterburner and the other one is NZXT cam.

Many people are asking me, how I display CPU temperature, clock speed,

etc. on the monitor while gaming.

I will explain you both the softwares that I use.

One is MSI afterburner and the other one is NZXT cam.

I advise beginners to use NZXT cam, And those who want

advanced features like clock speed, TDP, can use MSI afterburner.

MSI afterburner has a drawback for Ryzen CPUs,

It doesn't display CPU temperature, I will cover that in the video.

Let's move to the PC screen, Firstly I will cover NZXT cam

tutorial then MSI afterburner.

Firstly, I will show you NZXT cam setup it's very easy

and works perfectly for Intel as well as Ryzen.

You will get this website's link in the description.

You have to click on free download, and it will be downloaded.

After opening it requires sign up or sign in, 

But you have to continue in guest mode.

This is the CPU and GPU monitoring.

Go to settings and then overlay, It will show some panels

(FPS, RAM,CPU,GPU, etc).

One option is available for network and system timings,

It is not needed.

below that, You get an option for size and opacity of the stats.

I am selecting large size and opacity at 50%.

Now, Minimize the software.

Don't close it

I have launched GTA V, After the game opens,

you have to press CTRL+O and monitoring will begin.

You can adjust the size according to your convenience.

You can see FPS, CPU temperature, CPU usage,

GPU usage, GPU temperature and RAM.

This method is for basic users.It will work in Ryzen as well

in Intel.

Now, let's talk about the MSI afterburner, MSI afterburner's link is

also given in the description.

Click on download afterburner, and downloading will begin.

Now let's install this.

I have uninstalled it from my PC to explain you guys from scratch.

Don't uncheck the rivatuner statistics, It is necessary for

changing size,position, etc of the stats.

After installing MSI afterburner, rivatuner installation

will begin, Let it install.

All the softwares are now installed,

This is the interface of MSI afterburner.

you have to go to settings, First of all you have to define your GPU.

On some PCs, GPU 1 is the onboard GPU and GPU 2 is

external and vice versa, In my laptop it is showing 1660Ti as GPU 1.

I am selecting GPU 1 because I have to monitor 1660Ti.

Then go to monitoring, You will see a list of stats(CPU,GPU, etc).

First of all, Tick the GPU temperature, And below there is an option

for "show in on screen display". Check that option

only the stats with OSD written next to them will be displayed when gaming.

If you want to change GPU 1 temperature name, Check the box

"Overwrite group name" And write the new name.

I am writing 1660Ti, Then comes GPU usage,

Click on it and check the on screen display box.

Skip all the other options below it and come to the CPU temperature,

We don't need the CPU temperatures written in numbers.

Select the option "CPU temperature" and show in on screen display.

This will be shown as CPU, You can overwrite it and change it 

to CPU temperature or CPU temp.

Then go to "CPU usage" select it and show in on screen display.

I have changed its name to i7 9750H, Otherwise, it will show

some other name.

Then go to "CPU clock speed" and repeat the steps.

Then repeat this with "Framerate", change the name to FPS.

you can also select FPS minimum and FPS maximum. I prefer only FPS.

That was all for intel CPUs, click on apply and close it.

Don't close MSI afterburner just minimize it.

As you can see, Everything is being displayed on the top left corner.

For size changing, open the applications in taskbar and

double click on rivatuner statistics server.

Adjust the slider next to On screen display zoom,

you can increase the size. I have increased the size to maximum.

As you can see the size is increased, You can change it accordingly.

You can see GTX 1660TI, You can change GPU 1 to GPU usage

by overwriting graph name.

After that, We have CPU temperature, CPU usage.

After that CPU is written, It is the clock speed,

You can change its name to CPU clock.

Then FPS is also displaying.

These are the 6 important stats, You can add anything 

else that you want.

This was the procedure for Intel CPUs.

Now let me tell you about Ryzen CPUs.

In Ryzen, everything will be the same but it won't display CPU temperature.

Now I am recording on my Ryzen laptop, If you want to run

NZXT cam, the procedure is same.

Let's quickly move to MSI afterburner.

Open MSI Afterburner and go to settings.

As you can see Nvidia graphics are shown as GPU 2,

So make sure to select it according to your laptop.

I have selected 1650Ti. after that go to monitoring,

and repeat the same process as I did on Intel laptop.

I have checked GPU usage,CPU usage, CPU clock speed,

And Frame rate.

There are no options below framerate 1% low. There is no option for CPU temperatures. I will show you how to add it.

This is the website "Hardware info" link is given in the description.

You will get 3 options we have to download the portable version in the middle.

You can download it from any link. This is the next page,

Click on HWinfo portable and downloading will start.

This is the downloaded file, Extract it and you will get these 3 files.

You must be having 64 bit OS, If yes, then double click on

"HWinfo 64."

Click on sensors only and run it. It will detect the Ryzen sensors.

Then update message will pop up, Close this.

That's all for this software now you can minimize it.

Open MSI Afterburner and open settings, Go to monitoring,

You can see "Active hardware monitoring graphs".

Click on the three dots next to it, You will see the HWinfo option,

Make sure it is checked in gray color, After that click on setup.

Click on add button, these listing will be displayed.

These are the listings that HWinfo is monitoring in the background.

Scroll down and go to the CPU section, Below this you will get 

an option for CPU core.

CPU core is the CPU temperature. make sure its checked in gray color,

and click on OK. 

As you can see CPU core is added, Click OK.

Now you can see below Framerate 0.1% low there are other options,

Click on CPU core select on screen display.

You can change the name, I have changed it to CPU temp.

Then click on apply and then OK.

Rest all the settings are identical.

Don't close MSI afterburner and HWinfo software, just minimize them.

When you will restart your pc then you have to open and minimize

MSI afterburner and HWinfo softwares.

Now, You can see monitoring is displayed including CPU temperature.

This was the method for displaying CPU temperature in Ryzen.

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