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How to Download and Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(CS:GO)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a popular multiplayer online shooter video game released on 15 August 2012.

How to Download and Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(CS: GO)

Hello Friends I am Himanshu Welcome to the Uni Himanshu Today our topic is How to download cs go In this video you get every information from downloading csgo to play csgo.

So, watch the video till the end. Let's begin this video Now we have to download Steam first. Here, you get CSGO for free In steam, they do some games free day by day we have to just redeem and download it.

Now, after downloading steam install it. then open it and if you haven't the account is in steam. create a new account in it like I am showing you in this video. After creating your account in steam. Now, you have to login in the steam by entering your id and password which you insert in creating an account. Now, open steam here you have to go in-store and search in the search bar csgo Go in the first result csgo page is open now then scroll down and you get free to play game Click on that your csgo takes some time after that some process it will start downloading in some time. Now, the installing of exe file then it will start downloading automatically The file size is nearly 28 GB I will highly recommend you download it in c drive for better results. The download file is nearly 13 GB but consider it to 15 GB data pack download it on WIFI Basically, this is the GPU based Game. So, your gaming experience will be good. If you have any trouble then just ask in the comment box it is open to you. Like and Share the video and if you are new to my channel Subscribe to my Channel and press the bell icon for getting the latest update first. At last in the video I am showing you how to play csgo and its basic settings. My gaming experience with csgo is very good. I get around 90 fps on an average


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a popular multiplayer online shooter video game released on 15 August 2012. The game has the most users among all MOBAs, including Dota 2, League of Legends and HoN.

The game is produced by Valve Corporation and has an estimated 10 million players each day. The game received mainly positive reviews from all professional and casual players as it offers a lot of players of different skill levels a chance to win while making them feel like they’re competing against their rivals in real life.

How to Download and Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(CS:GO)

Download Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive(CS: GO) is available on Steam Free to Play.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is among the most popular first-person shooting games and with the impressive updates, it is growing into a strong rival for Valve's own FPS Dota 2. The game is a long time popular mod for Half-Life 2, both on its source code and on the popular mod launcher, MtGox.

This hugely successful online game was released on May 18th, 2012.CS: GO is a free-to-play online multiplayer online game created by Valve Corporation, the creators of the Half-Life franchise. This action FPS game is set in an alternate universe where terrorists are successful in detonating an atomic bomb, resulting in a world war, and many countries going into a state of chaos.

How to Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or CS: GO is one of the most popular games for PC. The game became popular due to its story. You play as an ex-military intelligence soldier and your team has the mission to steal and destroy a cache of weapons in the middle of the terrorist base.

You need to first download the game. If you have been using an Intel processor, get it using the following link. This will create a shortcut to the game.

Download Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Intel Processor)
If you are using an AMD processor, get it using the following link. This will create a shortcut to the game as well.

Download Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (AMD Processor)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive does not need an installation process to be installed. It is simply a game.

Minimum Systems requirement

OS: Windows 7 (64-bit) or higher

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ or better

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX, ATI Radeon HD5870 or better

DirectX: 11.0 Compatible video card or equivalent

Hard drive space: 8 GB free

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) is an updated version of the original Counter-Strike created in 1999. If you like the original Counter-Strike, you will like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive V/s Other Free Games

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) is an FPS game with competitive gameplay. CS: GO is available on Steam for free, without any ads. It has a lot of interesting features like a cash system to purchase in-game items, a rank system, matchmaking and a ranking system which makes the game more challenging and competitive.

The game was released in 2012 and has nearly 4 million concurrent players. CS: GO has won multiple awards for its outstanding gameplay, graphics and competitive play.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a free to play, team-based first-person shooter. In this section, we will compare CS: GO with other free games and discuss the benefits of playing CS: GO.

CS: GO is a multiplayer FPS game with a lot going for it. It has arguably one of the best gaming communities in the world and has been around since 1999. The fact that it is free makes it accessible to everyone who owns a PC or gaming console.

The developer of CS: GO, Valve Corporation, has always been very active towards its community and has done some really cool stuff like releasing two arcade modes for you to play with your friends and improve your skillset while having fun at the same time - Deathmatch and Wingman. CS: GO


With the increasing number of gamers across the globe, there is a high demand for games. One such game is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It has already sold over 25 million copies worldwide and has an active player base of over 30 million players.

The game is available on Steam’s digital distribution platform for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android OS. But it's not just about its popularity or price that makes it worth downloading; it has some other perks too.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive features 25 maps that are available in its multiplayer mode which can be played among two teams of five players who are either Terrorists or the Counter-Terrorists with one life per round. This multiplayer mode can be played online against people from all over the world without any geographical restrictions even

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