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My Vision For India In 2047 - Post Card to P.M. Narendra ModiJi

In a world where a majority of the population will be living in cities, it is imperative for India to have a sustainable and efficient transportation system.

My vision for India in 2047 is that we have a path-breaking transportation system which uses state-of-the-art technologies to enable good air quality and encourages walking and cycling. I hope that we will have an advanced public transport system with electric buses, ferries, cycling pathways and footpaths.

I believe that in the future of India (2047), we will be able to live happy and healthy life. We will have access to clean water and we will also have a better understanding of our environment.

The future of India is bright and I am really excited about it.

I am confident that India will be a more developed country in two decades. I see a country where there are no castes, every person is treated equally, and the population lives in peace.

The Indian government will have successfully eradicated all poverty by then. There will be equality for all Indians without any discrimination based on caste or religion. Every person will be given access to quality education at an affordable price. Finally, there would be no issues with air pollution or water wastage due to the increased efficiency of the government.

I believe that my vision for India in 2047 is that it will be a fully developed country where the world's best minds will come to learn, create, and innovate.

It will become a centre of knowledge where people from all over the world are connected with each other through technology. Indian culture will be celebrated globally.

It will also become one of the most educated countries in the world because higher education will be made accessible to everyone.

This is my vision for India in 2047.

My vision for India in 2047 is that it will be an economic powerhouse, a developed country with high standards of living, a clean environment and universal healthcare. With the right investment in infrastructure and agriculture, India will be self-sufficient and export everything from food to apparel. The government will invest in education and skills training to ensure there are enough trained workers for the industry.

We need to provide people with skill sets that are of value to the economy. This includes vocational training as well as higher education. We need to ensure that our entrepreneurship ecosystem is strong so that we can create new jobs for the growing population. Everyone needs to have access to quality healthcare, sanitation, affordable housing, good education and skills training so they can move up the economic ladder - not just a select.

My Vision For India In 2047

My vision for India in 2047 is that everyone is content, educated, and employed. There will be no poverty, no war, and all diseases will be eliminated. The people of India will live in peace and unity.

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