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Ahrefs - A New Search Engine Yep For You?

Google Vs Yep Google a Biggest Search Engine V/s a Newly Launched Search Engine of Ahrefs

Ahrefs - A New Search Engine For You?

Ahrefs is a search engine for websites and web pages. So, it’s fair to ask: what is the point of having a new search engine if you can access Google or any other existing search engine to find information in seconds? Well, that’s where Ahrefs has you covered because it’s not just another search engine; it’s a system that can analyze over one trillion links and help you find exactly what you need within minutes. Similarly to Google, Ahrefs crawls the Internet and indexes millions of websites every day but what makes this tool different is its ability to analyze the backlinks of each site. As humans, we may be able to recognize relevant links from irrelevant ones but computers have a much more difficult time with that.

What Does Ahrefs Do?

Ahrefs is primarily a link building tool that helps you find the most relevant links for your content. However, it also comes with some other features such as their Site Explorer, Rank Tracker, and an Alerts System. Site Explorer - this will allow you to search for a keyword and find the most linked to sites for that particular topic. Rank Tracker - allows you to track your keywords and find out your rank for each one. Alerts System - this will send you notifications if your site ever gets added to a black/negative list.

What is New Search Engine of Ahrefs is a new search engine created by the team at Ahrefs that enables you to find the most relevant pages and links for your topic. You can also search within a domain or website to find content there. Yep’s main focus is on the backlinks so you can discover the most linked-to pages for your topic, view the strength of the link, and click through to the original source.

Ahrefs - A New Search Engine Yep For You?

How Does Work?

When you click on ‘Yep’ on the Ahrefs toolbar, you will be shown a list of topics where you can type in a search term to find the most relevant pages on the Internet. However, before finding the best results, the system will look at the backlinks of the sites you’re trying to find and determine which are most linked to. Then, Yep will display results based on the backlinks.

Google Vs Yep

If we compare Google and Yep, we can say that both of these search engines share a similar purpose. However, Yep has a leg up in the fact that it will show you the backlinks and the links’ strength. You can use that information to create a strategy to improve your own website and also find other sites to guest post on. Google, on the other hand, is not so good at that. However, it will show you a lot of other information such as the time it takes for your website to load and other metrics like that. If you’re just looking for some general information, you may choose Google over Yep.


In conclusion, Ahrefs is a very powerful tool and Yep is an amazing search engine; you can use them both to discover new content that you can use for your blog posts and website. If you are interested in improving your SEO strategy and getting more visitors to your site, these tools can help you a lot! That being said, Ahrefs and Yep are two very powerful SEO tools that can help you find the best content for your site and guest posts, as well as discover the best backlinks for your content.

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