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Top 8 Hidden Windows 11 Features You Must Know

There are some Windows 11 features to increase your productivity! And you can even become a pro Windows user!

Don't skip this Article, if you're a Windows user!

There are some Windows 11 features to increase your productivity!

I promise that this 5 minute will save you a lot of time in the future.

And you can even become a pro Windows user!

1) Second Start Menu - There's a Windows key+X shortcut,

where you get a simple menu & you'll come across all important Windows functions.

Like command prompt, control panel, task manager, settings etc

And you can just click & go wherever you want. It's a very useful feature!

But many people don't know this. Let's move to the next one.

2) Storage Cleanup - You know which app has consumed some storage in your phone.

And just like that, Windows 11 also shows you how much space temporary files have taken.

When I checked, there was a 2-2.5GB error dump which is of no use.

You can even delete it while your eyes are closed if you want to clear some storage.

Just go Settings>Storage & you'll get graphic representations.

Windows also gives recommendations that you can delete certain files.

eg) You won't be able to delete files from "Downloads" as they could be personal.
Top 8 Hidden Windows 11 Features

3) Advanced Gestures - There new gestures on Windows 11 like 3 fingers, 4 fingers etc

So if you touch on the touchpad using 3 fingers, then you get the search bar.

If you touch 4 fingers at the same time, then the notification centre opens up.

You can either touch/swipe but remember to go to Bluetooth & devices>Touch & activate the 3 & 4 finger touch options.

4) Focus Session - Digital Wellbeing is becoming very popular & it came on OnePlus phones as Focus Mode.

This feature is available inside the clock app. Open Clock>Focus Sessions

And you can go & set DND from 15-240 mins. You can also add your Spotify playlist.

But you won't get any other notifications & you'd be able to focus. And hence the name!

5) Spatial Sound - It's here but you need to activate it as it's off by default.

Just go to Settings>Sound Output>Speakers and activate the Spatial Sound feature.

You'll have to activate "Windows Sonic for Headphones" to get spatial audio.

The next feature is going to come as Microsoft has already announced it.

6) Android Apps - Windows is getting a WSA support that stands for Windows Subsystem for Android.

And with this, you can use Android apps on a Windows laptop.

It'll come out next year but it's already released in the US. It'll come to India soon.
7) God Mode - If you want God level productivity & time saving then yes there's a God Mode!

It's definitely a lil complex. You have to create a folder & rename it with a long string.

The folder's name should be GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.

Yes, it's that complex! But once you create it, you'll see every setting in a single folder.

There are around 211 total settings in a single folder.

Whether it's audio, mouse, disk optimization, settings etc.

I know you want the string & I've included it in the description.

8) Shortcuts - You know shortcuts increase your productivity!

Pressing Windows+W opens the widget panel.

Windows+C helps you open Microsoft Teams.

Windows+Z can be pressed for a snapshot layout. Windows+N helps open the notifications panel.

If you hit Windows+A, then you get quick settings for WiFi & brightness.

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