Today we are going to talk about WordPress tutorial and what it is and how it is to be used by beginners,
I'll explain the WordPress in detail and in an easy language I'll explain and talk about its important terms and features
The idea is, that I should provide you with 20% knowledge so that you can learn 80% of the things with this.
Based on this you can create your own WordPress Blogs, Websites and you can do this easily,
You can refer to the advanced levels when your basics are clear,
I'll try to clear the basics, with simple language along with a practical,
You can understand the basic terms of WordPress, use WP basics, Create a basic blog, connect hosting to it and
All learnings from WP Basic will make you ready for creating advanced WordPress blogs and websites,
Before I proceed further 2 basic terms are and,
.com is a managed hosting and .org is a self-hosted hosting,
You have to manage the domain and hosting by yourself,
Mainly the WordPress bloggers use the advanced versions of .org
In this article, is used,
Before Proceeding with this 2 main things have to be considered,
That is domain name and hosting,
In short, if I mention, the domain name has a website name and the name of my blog is, .in will be the website names,
Hosting means where your website will be
Basically, you are purchasing land, so you have to find a place for it, so that is a web hosting, you can
So after domain and hosting WordPress is installed.
Firstly we will purchase the domain and hosting,
So we will purchase and click on "Get Started"
Select the Best Web Hosting
Then we will see the 3-4 plans and the plans with a greater period will be better for you
You will get a refund after using it for 30 days,
I will purchase it for 12 months as I have to do the refund,
I'll enter my email and
You will find all the payment methods, you can select the UPI method which will be good, for most of the users.
I have entered my card details here and clicked on pay now
Now it is telling me to create a password and I have entered it, let's click on confirm
Start now,
Working for myself,
We will skip this for a while
We will select the platform, Claim a Free Domain, let's take a domain name for a website,
The domain name which I have purchased is
Let's see whether that is available or not
It is available, so let's click on continue,
I will select the server location from India and you can select the location as per your traffic,
There are a lot of options and you can select the USA if you have traffic from here,
Since my traffic is from India, I will select, Asia, India, and click on change,
It will tell me to enter the details and then let's enter this
So the website is created now and let's click on this
So we have purchased the domain and hosting and we will now install the domain,
I'll select the option Website -> WordPress and click on Install,
I will provide the Title for the Website,
You can add the username and the password, then click on next
Then you will get the admin panel where you can go to Dashboard, then Edit Website
So I have purchased the domain and hosting and purchased the website,
So what happens is, mostly the hosting companies put their own plugins and extra functionalities in it
So what I will do is remove all of it and
Let's go to Plugins-> Installed Plugins,
If you are seeing plugins which are activated, then you can deactivate it
So I have deactivated everything except the Litespeed Cache plugin,
Before I continue further, there are two things that you must know, that is themes and plugins, related to WordPress
Themes are your WordPress style, design and blog layout as to how it should look and how the fonts should appear,
All that is decided by Themes,
Header, footer and the customisation options, feature image and its size, how the menu must appear
The appearance of the Sidebars, footers, menu bars, fonts and colours is decided by themes
The second is Plugins,
The functionality of the plugins is increased
Let's add the share button, and I want people to share my blog,
So I will use the plugin that will add the functionality of the sharing feature
If I want the functionality of the eCommerce or if I want people to leave reviews, so it will be possible with the help of the plugins
Plugins will increase the functionality of the website,
Basically, you can do a lot with WordPress and you can start with it and create a type of end product and it can be anything,
You can create an eCommerce, a landing page or digital store or a podcast, you can do anything, LMS system can also be made
But it doesn't mean that you will install plugins as, the more plugins you install, it will be affecting the website overhead and the speed,
Your website will ultimately be slow,
So we need to keep the website to be minimum,
We will use the minimum themes and plugins and it must be modern and with a good speed,
Too many plugins can impact the speeds of your website,
I will provide you with an overview, on the left-hand side you will get all the controls,
All the themes, settings and controls will be from the left-hand side,
You will get the data from the right-hand side,
Before I explain the rest of the things, I will explain the themes, so that you can understand them easily,
I will click on the option Add New,
The theme which I will be installing will be Kadence,
For the blue colour theme, I will be clicking on the Install theme option,
Kadence is one of my favourite themes and Lightning blocks is one of my courses, where I have explained how to make a blog from scratch,
Where the blogs are having good speed, security and the theme used over there is Kadence
I have used the Free themes and Plugins for free
Now the theme is activated, it is telling to install the starter templates,
What it is, I will explain it in detail, we will just visit the website,
So this is the website and we will go to the dashboard to be back here,
Now we will see how to create a blog post,
it is a very important process, and suppose this is the website and this is the end product
So how to write it, I will explain it,
Firstly you have to go to the dashboard -> course -> all courses
At present, you can find the demo courses and let's go to the website, and the visit site option will take you to the website,
Here we will create a new post and click on Add New,
This is the block editor, and what it is I will be explaining in detail,
So this will be the title of the post,
For example, I will copy this, it will be my title, and click on Add New,
There will be a description as to what I have to write in it
These are the basic things which I have to write, let's click on enter,
So this is how you have to add
Now when you will be adding this then if you have to edit it, so you will be getting the bar for doing changes in the Text to Bold and Italic or adding the link,
Second, you will be getting controls on the right-hand side,
Background can be selected,
The colour and background of the text can be added
All the elements and the controls will come above it or the extra controls will be on the right-hand side,
So this is the paragraph block, in the same way, there are many blocks,
As I click on the plus option there are many blocks that you can see and there is a heading block,
If you want to add the list then you can do it by List Block,
I will add the points as Item 1, Item 2 and Item 3, this is a list block,
You will find all the controls above and on the right-hand column
If you need more blocks then you can get them by installing a plugin by default,
If I have to add the image then it can be done by adding the block -> add image,
I'll upload the image,
All the settings can be done in the right-hand column,
You will have to learn a bit of SEO if you are doing blogging,
I will explain to you the basics so that you can go to the advanced levels,
So we have learnt to add images, paragraphs and lists,
You have to click on the heading and the H1 heading is the biggest,
Then H2, H3 and H4 become gradually less,
We will write a heading with H2
Now we will see how to embed the video,
It is very easy and you can go to copy the URL and paste it,
So it auto embeds it on the page
One more important thing is Button
I will click on Add Text, then click on Get This Course,
Then you can place the alignment with the available options,
So now it has been centre aligned,
All the styling options will be available on the right-hand side,
So this is how you can create text, add images, videos and add a list, and now the blog has been created,
The blog has been created, I will click on the preview option,
Before publishing it, there is the option of Categories,
So in eCommerce, as every product has a category in the same way,
The categories can be fashion, men's wear, women's wear,
Similarly, the blogs created by you must have a category in it
For selecting a category, you have to go to the option of posts and then categories,
Here, since this is the first post so I will have to select 'New category
I will name this as travel,
All the articles related to Travel will include here,
So after refreshing the category has arrived and then you can select Travel and click on save draft,
Let's preview this, so you can find the category mentioned on this
Similarly, the Tags can also be added
It is just like a category, but for categories it is singular and in tags, you can select and add them in multiples,
For example, it will have solo travel as a tag
If I am talking about productivity then I can add it as a tag here,
If I am talking about affordable travel, then you can add the Budget Travel as the tag or the affordable keyword as the tag,
Then there will be a featured image,
It will include, the image on the main blog header,
Suppose this is the blog and the image above this blog will be the feature image
So I will select and set a featured image for this blog
I will preview it, so this is what the article looks like, and the featured image is visible on the top,
Now we will publish the article,
It will be visible to everyone
I will click on Publish Article,
We will go to the website
This is the main page and here is the article, with title and description,
Clicking on it will open the article,
The problem is with the URL,
This is the standard URL and no one is using it and it is known as the Permalinks, and it has to change,
Firstly we will go to WordPress
Go to Settings -> Permalinks,
It is plain, then it is telling the name of the posts, then click on Save Changes,
So I will click and this will be the name of my post
This can be edited, for this, you will have to learn a bit of SEO, there's a plugin RankMath for it
We will select the posts, categories and tags, we will then proceed to the images that you can add from the media gallery
Then we have Pages, -> All pages
Then the pages and the blog posts are different,
A blog post means a series of articles,
Page can be related to one theme is Contact Us Page, or Privacy Policy which will be there in the pages,
We will click on Add New Pages -> Contact us
Here we can add a lot of pages and paragraphs, headings and lists, you can also embed maps,
I will add the simple text here
I will publish this,
I will select the view page and this is the simple Contact Us Page and I will go on the back option
So when I am on the Homepage, I will not get the contact us page,
Contact us is a page and not a blog post,
We will select the menu and this is the header,
We will go to the Appearance option and on Menus, so the menus are not created here and by default, it is showing in the WordPress
I will add the menu name, you can find it in the settings, and you can do it in the primary settings,
I will click on create a menu and it will be done
I will select the options I want to show on the header menu,
I will select Contact Us, and then I will Add to Menu,
I can show the categories, I will select the option Travel,
Then I will select the Save Changes,
I will refresh the page
So you can see that Travel and Contact Us page is now visible on the header menu,
You can also add the list, below the Travel,
For example, if you have added a post, "How to plan solo travel", I will add this to the header menu,
So if I want this to be below Travel, then I will drag this below,
Since the title is really big, so I will edit it and make it a short one, and click on the save menu
Again we will refresh this, and this is how it will appear on the menu
So now, we have learnt the basics of WordPress, installation, Adding posts, menus, permalinks and WordPress Blog post edit,
The next very important thing is customisation
Every theme has different customisation and Kadence differs in this
As I have mentioned earlier in themes, you can set up the colours, header, and footer and that is the work of the Themes,
As you will click on the customised option then this will be visible, and it will entirely depend upon the type of theme that you have taken
Every theme has a different order but the purpose remains the same
So this is the header, if I have to customise it then I can customise the headings, logos and buttons,
I will set the label by default and click on Sign up, so this is how it will be customised,
I will not go much into detail about customisations, I will provide the basic explanations for this
Headers, colours and fonts can be customised, and the background can be setup
Then there's Footer,
So you can add Footer Navigations and Widgets,
Let's add some social buttons and I will add this to the above Copyright
I will centre align my social buttons, the settings for them are available on the left-hand side,
All the options for editing will be available on the left-hand side
Since it is theme specific so it will depend on the theme that you are using
We have seen the Header, Footer, then the next thing we can view in the customisation is the layout,
Let's open this blog post and this is the layout,
On the right-hand side, there is no column present,
If I want to change the layout then I will go to the Pages layout, then the single post layout will be selected and I can select the options from the menu
For example, I can select the type of the Title,
I can select the Layout and select the sidebar, so it will be the default layout,
I can select the content style and
From the left-hand side, I can preview, how it looks on the mobile,
I can select the option for the featured image, whether I want to add this Above, Behind or
Whether I have to keep the image wide, or can stretch it
For my featured image, since it is not looking that good, I will select the inherit option and
You can get the customisation options and then you have to try and check what all options are looking better.
I have added the sidebar and set up my featured image
I am not liking the connectivity of the image with the blog,
Then I will select the option of publishing
we will again go to the blog and click on the header image and I have added the button, so the header and footer are added
If I click here, so this is the blog post,
In the right-hand column, there are Widgets,
We will see how to add and customise widgets
I'll go to the dashboard and click on Appearance -> Widgets
So in the Widgets, there are Sidebar Widgets,
The main widget we have is Sidebar 1
When I will click on the plus bar, I will get the options for all widgets
You will get some extra options in the widgets
In widgets, if you want to show the social icons,
I will click on it
just in editing blocks, you get all the editing on the right-hand side, all the options for editing are available there
You will click on the plus option, and add the social media icons by searching them
The icons have appeared, now I will add them,
I want to put the icons in the centre,
And I can drag it to the top of the page, so this is how it is going to appear,
If I have to add the link then it can be done by double clicking on it
I will go on the page and I will click on refresh it, then the icons will be visible,
So we have seen the customisation, menu, header, footer, and we have seen widgets as well
Next, we can see is users,
We will go in Appearance -> users,
So through this, the users can log in to it
If I want to add more people or change the details then it can be done from here
You can add your email and add the profile picture, if you want to set up the password then it can be done,
We will select the Settings -> General option,
Here you can add the Title or the Tagline and do the basic settings
You do not need to do the changes in the time and date format
I have changed the Permalinks already,
In writing, there is no requirement for major changes,
In reading, the homepage can be set up,
For example, I went onto the website and this is the homepage, where all the blog posts arrive,
I want to change the homepage so that I can show the specific call to action through this option
I will select a sample page and the homepage, I will select the contact us page,
For the posts page, I can select the sample page,
I will select the save changes option and let's go back
So the homepage appears like this and now all the blog posts have gone to the separate page
If I will add the sample page then it will show me the blog posts,
So I will quickly add this and we will go to its menu,
Header menu and then this is the posting page, so I will add the sample page here,
I can rename this into the blog,
I will save the option,
So when I refresh this, the blog posts will appear in the blog section
So if you want to change the homepage, you can do it from settings and reading
I will click on the latest posts and save changes,
Whenever you will use WordPress the important term in it will be page builders,
It helps you in designing the pages of WordPress,
The main task of the theme is to style the WordPress,
The main aim of the page builders is to show the specific elements of the page builders,
It is not compulsory but you can use it
Just like Elementor, Brizy, and Divi, are examples of page builders,
The WordPress page builder is Gutenberg,
If you are starting this I will highly recommend that you can do it by Gutenberg
You don't need an extra headache of understanding page builders and updating it or paying for it
So what is Gutenberg, I have already told you about this
This is the post and you can click on Add New,
So the editor in this is Gutenberg editor,
Now this is the basic, and you can't see the design elements in it
So for putting the designing elements, the Themes and Templates will be used,
For this, the starter templates can be used,
I have not mentioned this yet, because I want you to understand the basics first then you can understand templates so that you can edit them easily,
So we will use and install the templates of Kadence, which are the starter templates,
This is installed, and this can be imported, and you can select the free template,
You can select the business template,
I will select the full site, and I will delete the previously imported pages, and then we can select skip start importing,
So here the importing process is complete and we will click on finish, view your site,
So this is our website,
This you have got as it is, but I have not told you about this in the beginning because people generally skip the basics part
We will go to the edit option and in the dashboard, it will be easier to edit,
For example, I will go onto the posts and it will be in the blog posts menu
Some of the blog images, do not have a featured image,
If I am directly importing it then we will not know, what is this blank space for, so it is for a featured image,
Why there is the option of Uncategorised because the category is not selected,
Since you know the basics, so this is how you can edit the template
For editing,, open the post and I will click on edit post and
From here you can change the categories, to Travel and add the featured image for it
So I will add an existing idea to this and click on the set featured image, and update the blog,
So this is how the featured image can be set up,
This is how the homepage can be set up and used for editing,
Now you know how to use the Editor, so you can make changes easily
Like this is based on the block editor totally,
They have used the block editor and the H2 heading or a paragraph, so if you want to add something, then this can be added, by clicking on the plus icon,
The theme has automatically installed the plugins,
We will see the Kadence Blocks and starter templates and these are the extra plugins
Kadence block is a plugin, through which you can add blogs,
As I have mentioned, plugins add functionality to the blog,
For example, if I select the Posts and then click on hello world, the blocks that are visible here are the new cadence blocks, which are due to that plugin
Plugins have increased the functionality,
You can select the forms, to create the Contact Us Forms and all its settings can be changed from the right-hand side,
First, understand the basics and then you can go to the template and edit it,
I hope you have understood the basics, if you have any doubts, you can ask me in the comments section below,
if you want to learn more in advance, then you can refer to my course
I have discussed the Security, Speed and SEO
I have explained to you that if you are importing a template then you can know how to use it and edit it as per the functionality,
People tend to directly jump onto the themes and templates and then get stressed later on as to how to edit it