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What is Motherboard? What Is Use?

What is Motherboard? What Is Use?

What is Motherboard? What Is Use?

types of motherboard pricing of motherboard. the basic things to consider before buying of motherboard. choose best motherboard according to your pc build

How to select motherboard

Motherboards are computer component like graphics card, cpu, hard drive, memory etc. all have a motherboard. This can be found in different size and complexity, and is usually attached to CPU with cable. At the core of it all there is a computer chip, which then makes everything else possible. The different types of motherboard vary in size and complexity, and so can the price, but they all have one thing in common- they're all much smaller and more compact than a computer. If you want a motherboard, what you need to consider before buying is the minimum things you need from a motherboard, then what its capacity is and what it is for. What Are Motherboards Designed For? Typical sized motherboards are for up to 4 CPUs, but these have to be higher-end.

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The Different Types of Motherboards

Click to enlarge Introduction After a lot of researches, I have managed to make this short guide about the motherboards. In this guide I am trying to cover everything about the different types of motherboards. There are different types of motherboards. Although i believe that most of the boards on this list are known and are very good. We are going to cover different manufacturers and some popular names. So, if you want to find a manufacturer for your custom PC please check this.


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Basic things to consider before buying

Choosing A Motherboard Shopping for a motherboard is a vital part of an PC's hardware components, as it’s the gateway to accessing a PC's PC processor, RAM and storage, which your PC uses to store its data. When buying a motherboard, the first thing to consider is: · How much memory do I need? · Do I need a Super-Fast CPU or a Turbo Core CPU? · How much storage I need? · Which of my hard drives and RAM do I need to be able to run my games? which of my hard drives and RAM do I need to be able to run my games? What types of CPU do I have available to me? do I need to make a motherboard upgrade? Can I fit all this into a low profile case?

Choose the best motherboard according to your pc build

top 5 motherboards lets take a look at the best motherboard of 2016. Form Factor (CPU/TDP) motherboards are not only defined by the CPU socket on them, but also by the form factor in which they fit inside your PC or laptop. The motherboard form factor is the size and shape of the motherboard socket on which it is fitted. The most popular form factors are ATX, mini-ITX and SF-GA. The most popular CPU socket used on the motherboards are Socket 478, Intel LGA 775 and Socket 775. CPU socket is the largest of the three main sockets. PC or Laptop computers, PCs running Windows, OSX and Linux usually use Intel LGA 775 or Socket 478 CPU sockets.

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