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How To Do Live Stream From Your Mobile Using PC/Laptop [No Elgato]

Do Live Stream From Your Mobile Using PC/Laptop [No Elgato]

 How To Do Live Stream From Your Mobile Using PC/Laptop [No Elgato]

Live streaming is growing in popularity and it has become more accessible to the general public. The article offers step-by-step instructions on how to do live streaming from your mobile device without an Elgato.

There are different ways to go about live streaming with your mobile phone.

Some of these ways are more complex than others with many different steps to follow.

However, there is one that does not require the use of an Elgato which is easier for beginners.

This guide will show you how to do a live stream from your mobile device with the help of your computer or laptop without needing any special equipment.

Live streaming is the next big thing in the digital world with Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter all providing great platforms to facilitate it. It has become ubiquitous for people to watch live streams on their mobile devices.

However, if you are not using Elgato or some other third party software, then there are a few things that you may need to do before you can successfully live stream from your mobile device.

1) Make sure that your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or has a strong internet connection.
2) If you are using an Android phone then make sure that your phone is running on Android 4.4 KitKat or higher.
3) Open your browser and type in “” into the address bar of the

In this article, I will teach you how to live stream from your mobile device without an Elgato. You will need a data connection, a device with a camera and a video software that can broadcast your video.

We recommend using the Livestream Studio app which is perfect for beginners.

📢 About this video:- In This Video I Explained How To Mirror Screen With Internal Audio & How To Do Live Stream On YouTube ( No Elgato , No Sound Card & No Extra Cables ).
How To Do Live Stream on YOUTUBE Of BGMI.
Do Live Stream On YouTube Full Tutorial In Hindi On My Youtube Channel Uni Himanshu
How To Do Live Stream On YouTube Of BGMI

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This tutorial of video is seperated into three parts:

1. Required Software.

2. Mirror Your Mobile Phone Screen With Internal Audio To PC.

3. Setup Of Live Streaming Software & Go Live.

 How To Do Live Stream From Your Mobile Using PC/Laptop [No Elgato]

Let's Start Full Tutorial 

1. First Step

  1. First screen mirroring software named SCRCPY from Github website.
  2. Second sound mirroring software named SNDCPY from Github website.
  3. Third install VLC Media player in your C drive.
  4. Fourth streamlabs software.
  5. For Full Guide watch Video Tutorial.

2. Second Step

  1. Connect your mobile phone to pc using USB cable.
  2. Go to your android phone or mobile phone settings & go to the developer options in settings allow USB debugging.
  3. open Scrcpy file in desktop or laptop & allow screen mirror request in your mobile.
  4. Then open sndcpy & copy sndcpy apk file to you mobile phone & install it.
  5. Open sndcpy with adb file & click on windows batch file.
  6. Allow sound mirror request in your mobile phone.
  7. For Full Guide watch Video Tutorial.

3. Third step

  1. Open Streamlabs obs & click on add button.
  2. Add screen capture device will be show there your mobile model number or scrcpy add it.
  3. Add audio capture device which is your mobile model number or sndcpy add  it.
  4. Your full setup is ready for go live.
  5. For Full Guide watch Video Tutorial.

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