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How to Add Anti-Adblock Script to Blogger and Prevent Your Blog from Displaying a Blank Space?

Ad blocker Detection Code For Blogger. This Script will increase your ad revenue by detecting Ad Blockers.

Blogging is a great way to engage with your audience, but if you are using Blogger for your blog and are not using an ad blocker, then you may have seen the blank space.

The blank space is because of the AdBlock script that Blogger uses. The script will prevent ads from showing on your blog and other scripts from running on your blog.

Blank spaces are not the best way to greet your visitors. However, it is a very common problem, especially for bloggers who use Blogger.

If you have an ad blocker installed on your browser, you may be noticing that when you visit a blog post on Blogger, the content of the blog post will be blank. This is because Blogger includes ads on their website and when an adblocker is installed on your browser, it blocks all ads including those from Blogger.

Anti Ad blocker Script For Blogger

There are two ways to fix this issue:

1) Add anti-Adblock script to blogger.

2) Prevent blank space from appearing on your blog posts.

What is Ad-Blocker, Why are Ads Important for Bloggers, and How do You Add an Ad-Block Script to a Blog?

Ad-blocker is an extension that removes ads from a website. Bloggers use this script to monetize their blogs. Advertisers are important for bloggers as they provide the blogger with revenue and sponsorships.

Ad-blocker is a JavaScript code which blocks ads on a website. Ads on a blog can be blocked by adding this script to the blogspot's HTML code. This way, advertisers will no longer be able to show their ads on the blog and the blogger will not get any revenue from them.

Ad-blockers are software programs that block ads from being displayed on web pages. They do this by stopping ads from downloading and showing up on a page.

Blocking ads can be an excellent way to save money and speed up your browsing experience, but it is not a good idea for bloggers because they rely on ad revenue to make money.

Bloggers can add an ad-block script to their blog to get around the issue of ad blockers, but this can be difficult depending on the blog’s design.

Ad-blockers are software that blocks ads from showing on a webpage. Ad-blockers are used by many people because they find them to be annoying, distracting, and intrusive. Bloggers often use ad-blocker scripts to keep their websites free of ads and thereby keep their readers engaged.

Why do people use Ad-Blockers?

There are several reasons why people use ad-blockers. The first is that they are annoyed by the ads and feel that they disrupt their browsing experience. Another reason is that they don't want to be tracked by the ads, as it can lead to a loss of privacy.

The third reason is that the ads slow down their internet speed, which can be frustrating because many people use their internet for work or leisure purposes.

How Do You Install an Anti-AdBlock Script for Blogger?

The best way to block ads on your blog is by installing an ad blocker script. You can use a browser extension like uBlock Origin for Chrome or AdBlock Plus for Firefox, but the best way to block ads is by using a dedicated ad-blocking script.

There are many ad blocker scripts that you can install on your blog, but today we will be focusing on one called Anti-AdBlock.

Anti-AdBlock is an open-source project that blocks ads from loading in any browser and it works with WordPress as well. The installation process is simple, so let's get started!

This article will explain how to install an anti-Adblock script for Blogger.

Blogging platforms such as Blogger and WordPress make it easy for anyone to create a blog, but making money from blogging is not always straightforward. One way bloggers can make money from ads is by using Google Adsense, which places ads on the site and pays out a share of the revenue generated by clicks on those ads. This can be a good way for bloggers to earn some extra cash, but it's not always easy to get those ads displayed on your site. One reason why this might happen is that you're blocking ads with an adblocker. If you're using Google Chrome or Firefox then you have probably installed an adblocker without even realising it, and that's what we'll be fixing.

Step 1:- Open Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2:- Go to the Theme Section and Click on Edit HTML.

Step 3:- Scroll down to Last.

Step 4:- Copy The Anti Adblocker Script Given Below.

Step 5:- Now, Paste the Anti Adblocker Script just above the closing </body> Tag.

Anti Ad blocker Script Code
<style type='text/css'>
/* Animation */
@keyframes fadeInDown{0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-20px)}100%{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0)}}
@keyframes rubberBand{from{transform:scale3d(1,1,1)}30%{transform:scale3d(1.25,0.75,1)}40%{transform:scale3d(0.75,1.25,1)}50%{transform:scale3d(1.15,0.85,1)}65%{transform:scale3d(.95,1.05,1)}75%{transform:scale3d(1.05,.95,1)}to{transform:scale3d(1,1,1)}}
/* Say Hi to Adblock */
#arlinablock{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.65);position:fixed;margin:auto;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;overflow:auto;z-index:999999;animation:fadeInDown 1s}
#arlinablock .header{margin:0 0 15px 0}
#arlinablock .inner{background:#e3482d;color:#fff;box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);text-align:center;width:600px;padding:40px;border-radius:5px;margin:7% auto 2% auto;animation:rubberBand 1s}
#arlinablock button{padding:10px 20px;border:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.15);color:#fff;margin:20px 5px;cursor:pointer;transition:all .3s}
#arlinablock button:hover{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.35);color:#fff;outline:none}
#arlinablock .fixblock{background:#fff;text-align:left;color:#000;padding:20px;height:250px;overflow:auto;line-height:30px}
#arlinablock .fixblock div{display:none}
#arlinablock .fixblock{display:block}
#arlinablock ol{margin-left:20px}
@media(max-width:768px){#arlinablock .inner{width:calc(100% - 20px);margin:10px auto;padding:15px}}
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Say Hi to Adblock
function downloadJSAtOnload(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.src="",document.body.appendChild(e)}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",downloadJSAtOnload,!1):window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent("onload",downloadJSAtOnload):window.onload=downloadJSAtOnload;

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