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What is Transport?

What is Transport?

What is Transport?

What is being used to get to the place we want to go? Perhaps it’s your hands? Or feet? Sure you can work out the path you took to get to the supermarket to get eggs. I call this the hard bit. Not that I’m feeling like a dentist… This is when the rub of transport comes in. The hard part. When it really counts. The person that is offering you help or support. So you might have to think a bit harder about how you’re going to move from your current position, to wherever it is you want to go.

Types of Transportation

1- Schools, Bus, Taxi, Taxi Cab, Aerial Tram etc. 2- Car Rental 3- Motorcycle Rental 4- Trekking/ Hiking/Boating/ ATV 5- Motorcycles/ Motorcycles Rickshaws/ Bajaj V12, Royal Enfield Classic 350,TVS RTR, Royal Enfield Bullet, Hero Splendor etc.

Types of Transportation Ways

Some of mainly Transportation ways: 

  • Roadways
  • Railway's 
  • Waterways'
  • Airways
  • Pipelines
  • Ropeway

Why Do We Need to Move Objects?

Why do we want to move objects? In JavaScript, we have the concept of Set, Object, and Node. In these abstractions, we talk about the name of the object or its attributes, and also about the difference between an object and a string. We can move objects like: Move a node with name node1 to node2 Move an object by name to its attribute list Add/remove nodes and/or objects. In JavaScript, we have the concept of Set, Object, and Node. In these abstractions, we talk about the name of the object or its attributes, and also about the difference between an object and a string. We can move objects like: Move a node with name node1 to node2 Move an object by name to its attribute list Add/remove nodes and/or objects. How Do You Move Objects?


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