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5 Best Technology Devices Under ₹ 500

They're so useful that you'll feel like buying them. And they're under Rs 500.

So I'm going to talk about some very useful products.

They're so useful that you'll feel like buying them. And they're under Rs 500.

And we're also bringing its second part so that's going to be crazy!

If you're having the same stand support problem then get this product for sure.

It's an amazing, high quality & a next level mobile stand.

It's not just for smartphones but even tablets as well.

And it can hold a phone like this, take a look for yourself.

And there's a rubberized grip below for your device to stick.

You can adjust the height, it looks beautiful & is of good quality.

1} It's from Tukzer & is priced under Rs 500.

You can even change its angles the way you want. And even if you have a tablet.

There wouldn't be any problems as this is one of the biggest & heaviest tablets & look at that.

But there are times where you don't want/need such a bulky/heavy stand.

Then you can buy the air foldable/invisible stand, which you can carry along with you.

It's almost the size of a credit card & is very nice.

It has a leather finish & looks premium.

All you have to do is stick it to your phone's back.

I'll show it to you. You get a 3mm sticker & you just have to take it out & stick it to the back of your phone.

And this one is a 24×7 air stand. Just pull it down & that's it!

You can keep it vertically as well as horizontally.

You can keep the phone however you want without any problems.

It looks beautiful & it also looks like an accessory.

People will ask what it is. So that's nice & I'm sure you'll like it just like I did.

Now it happens a lot with me that I get hot coffee & I forget to drink it & it gets cold after a while.

And I hate it when I drink it & so for that purpose I have this bottle with me.

And you're getting a great deal at Rs 500.

2} It's a My Vision For India In 2047 - Post Card to P.M. Narendra ModiJi500ml bottle that shows the temperature of its liquid content.

And it is absolutely beautifully built.

There's metal inside, holds 500ml of liquid & the temperature is displayed above.

It's stunning! And you just have to tap on top for the temperature to show.

5 Best Technology Devices Under ₹ 500

Let's fill water & check its temperature.

Let's look at the next product & we'll check the temperature after 3-4 mins.

But if you're an outdoors person, then you should have this while trekking/hiking.

This product should always be with you.

The products under Rs 500 are so good nowadays.

3} This torch is USB powered. and you can recharge it.

It's an LED torch & there are 2-3 advantages for which I'm recommending it.

There are 2-3 light variations/modes but if you want to search for something in the distance then you can change its focal length.

eg) look at this, the light has spread around but now I can make it small to focus.

So there's wide light as well as focus light.

Now the light's 2 rooms away but you can still see clearly.

This is also priced under Rs 500 but it's worth every penny & you can carry it like a pen.

Let's check the water temperature since I put some cold water in it.

The normal water showed the same temperature but now the cold water temperature has lowered.

And we even put hot & cold water just to check & did its job well.

And I wouldn't generally recommend this product but we ordered it under Rs 500.

It has a 45 days battery life, the Mi Band 7.

4} No, it's not a Mi Band 7, but is a duplicate M4 at Rs 500.

If you want to show that you have a Mi Band then you can get it.

But its functionality & touch response is not that good but it looks like a Mi Band.

Its quality is also not that great. The Mi Bands are priced at Rs 2.5-3k.

This is at Rs 500 & it shows. So I won't recommend it for usage.

It says it has a 45 day battery but I don't think it might go beyond 4-5 days.

But it's under Rs 500 so we thought we'd include it in the list. And it looks exactly like the Mi Band.

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